One of my favorite pages in this story. Hope you like it! I also hope you're paying attention as a few of the pieces come together a bit. I take care not to have any fillers and make sure every page contributes to the story and pushes it forward in a meaningful way.
In other news I picked up acrylic painting again after like 10 years. I SUCK as a painter but I have real interest to get better and I'm actually going to share some of that with you later on in this story! So stay tuned for that! Enjoy! And tell a friend!
-JM (follow me @agrassfedcomic on IG, FB, twitter, tumblr)
A Grassfed Comic is a webcomic
anthology series updated every Monday. Written, drawn and lettered by me. It has all the things I love (like animals, horror, and people getting punched in the face) and will be visually experimental so bear with me. The only
constant here will be change. Thanks for coming, and if you like it, spread the word! Enjoy!